This discipline, which involves diving without the use of cylinders, allows you to experience the absence of gravity in complete freedom.

The possibility of diving in APNEA is based on the physiological adaptation called IMMERSION REFLEX common to all mammals.

It will be like flying in water..

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  • Discover the incredible adaptation of the body allegedly, even outside its natural habitat
  • Find out how much control of the mind affects performance
  • Learn to manage your mind and body during free diving


know yourself…

Our mission is to convey a concept of Apnea mainly related to knowledge of one's body e all’killing of their own limiting thoughts. “Look inside before looking around.” (by Luca).

This process takes place through the refinement of Breathing techniques e you Relaxation, as well as the improvement of’Aquaticity with and without the aid of fins.

l’ freediving made to measure

The ability to learn and progress in the practice of’Apnea it is very subjective and depends on the psycho-physical characteristics individual of each athlete.

Many beginners find that they have skills that are very close to those of an experienced freediver. For this reason we aim to evaluate the level of each student candidate in order to propose personalized master classes.

CORSI FREE DIVING & APNEA on the Costa Smeralda

Thanks to the quality of PSS Worldwide, and to our support and teaching of techniques in the water, you will receive solid foundations to be able to practice Apnea with Awareness, in safety and in freedom.



The Skin Diver Course represents the first level of training for a Freediver.
You acquire the fundamental basics to dive in Apnea in total safety.
Cost: € 300



Second level of training aimed at developing breathing control and relaxation techniques. You will learn to listen to the messages your body sends you.
Cost: € 400



Third level of training designed for freedivers who already have a good technical base and who want to develop the most effective method to improve their performance.
Cost: € 400


“Remember that you can go underwater in two ways.”
So saying, he takes out a piece of coral and throws it into the sea.
Then, from half a coconut, pour some sugary, whitish liquid into the water:
"You see", keep on, "Coral and coconut milk are now together in the water.
But the coral remains coral, while coconut milk is now sea:

when you go underwater you don't have to do like coral, but like coconut.
When you dive in apnea, you don't have to oppose the sea:
you don't have to be there, your body, your skin and the sea,
but every component of your being must become one with water. "

it was brisbe, Maldivian fisherman

Quoted by Umberto Pellizzari



If you want a professor who teaches the grammar of freediving or diving with pre-prepared tables and methods for all students alike, look elsewhere. If you are looking for a real sea dog who understands who you are from the way you place your bag on the dinghy, where you are strong and where less, then ask about Luca and his great, cohesive, friendly and knowledgeable team. Two wonderful days with tanks and freediving, dedicated life and sea teachings, great friendliness and professionalism. And be careful: Luca's watchful eye is always ready to intervene before you notice the mistake. Because in the end, despite his apparent relaxation, he is also a great professor of the sea. And the PSS certified courses are one of the most serious courses.

Paolo M., September 2023